Do you need more driveway space? Homeowners often find their driveway is too narrow or they need more space to park a second vehicle, a boat or RV. As a homeowner, you can widen your driveway. Widening a driveway is best left to the professionals as there is a lot of steps involved. Straight Up Remodeling would like to share how driveways are widened and why it is best to seek professional excavation services.
There are many reasons why a homeowner will want to widen their driveway. One of the most common reasons behind a driveway widening is to provide more parking space for an additional vehicles, boats or RV parking. Other times the original driveway was poorly done and not designed very well. When the decision has been made to widen or expand the driveway, it may seem simple. However, that isn’t always the case. When it comes to widening a driveway there are a few things you must consider first such as:
• Will the expansion occur on one or both sides of the current driveway?
• How long will the driveway be and will the length also be extended?
• What obstacles will you need to overcome, such as landscape or trees?
• Will a retaining wall need to be added to the edge of the driveway?
These are some of the top questions you will need to answer before beginning a driveway widening project. Another major consideration is what material you will want to use. You can match the current driveway material and only focus on adding the expansion piece. However, when the proper tools and professional help is present, you not only can widen the driveway, you can also redo the entire driveway with new materials. Nothing enhances a driveway like paver stones or polished concrete. Since you are already investing in the man power and equipment, you can widen and redo your driveway at the same time, making changes to the driveway’s layout and materials.
When widening a driveway, the ground will need to be excavated and a foundation laid. The expanding site will be dug down a little bit so a gravel like material can be laid on the ground. Sometimes the soil underneath the concrete or asphalt will shift causing low spots in the driveway. The concrete can also crack if laid on a weak foundation. The foundation must be properly prepared to ensure the integrity of the new driveway. Many DIYer’s will often skip excavating and prepping the foundation before adding the asphalt or concrete. When widening a driveway you may also need to add a drainage system, depending on the location of the driveway. A drainage system may include adding swales on either side of the expansion. Many DIYer’s will sometimes not think about flood or water drainage. You do not want water puddling around the driveway and soaking underneath it. The foundation will be affected and the driveway can sink.
To ensure the driveway is properly installed, you will want to have the driveway done by the professionals who will take in all considerations such as foundation, drainage, and more. If you find you need your driveway widened and you want it done right, contact Straight Up Remodeling. We provide excavation services, driveway widening and much more. Contact Straight Up Remodeling today!
Address: 1341 Bay St Ste 130, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Mailing Address: PO Box 1833, Belfair WA 98528
Phone Number: (360)-477-2375
Address: 1341 Bay St Ste 130, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Mailing Address: PO Box 1833, Belfair WA 98528
Phone Number: (360)-477-2375
Address: 1341 Bay St Ste 130, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Mailing Address: PO Box 1833, Belfair WA 98528
Phone Number: (360)-477-2375
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